Subaru BRZ - registering the car and getting a plate

Today was DMV day. You’re supposed to make an appointment at the DMV at the moment instead of just showing up, so I had made one as soon as I had agreed to buy the car. When I rocked up at the DMV, there was a huge line, but it was the walk-in line. The appointment line was empty, so I ended up only having to wait a couple of minutes before I was called in. About quarter of an hour later, I had paid the sales tax, had a plate, registration and a freshly printed title in my name. In my book, that’s pretty dang impressive.
I also found an owner’s manual wallet with pretty much pristine BRZ owner’s manuals on the bays of flea. As the owner’s manual was missing from the car or so well hidden that I haven’t found them yet, I figured that $25 with free shipping was a worthwhile investment.
Oh, and because I can’t resist a bad pun, the BRZ will sport a WV “Protect Pollinators” plate with a yuuuuuge bee on it: